Yoga opleiding Frankrijk

2.5 Year Yoga Teacher Training - France 

2018 01 07 PHOTO 00000315

2.5 Year Yoga Teacher Training - France

Location: Haute Savoie, France (near Geneva)
Language: English (translation into French possible)

This programme is for anyone:

• Looking for a world class certified yoga teacher training
• Looking to increase their understanding of yoga as taught by the ancient Himalayan lineage
• Looking to deepen their personal practice of yoga (meditation, philosophy and asanas)

This 2.5 year programme is a transformational journey within yourself. This programme is a process which translates yoga philosophy into your everyday life.
Throughout this guided process you will:
• Gain knowledge about our various dimensions: physical, emotional, mental, intellectual and spiritual as passed on from the yoga tradition of Brahmrishi Viswatma Bawraji
• Gain a better understanding about life and how to live as a good human being in society
• Become closer to your true self, understand what you want and clarify your life goals
• Gain tools and skills that will help you keep growing and improving yourself for the long term
• Develop more enthusiasm for life
• Gain more peace of mind
• Develop self-trust and intuition
• Expand your comfort zone


The training is divided up into 5 modules. This are the likely modules which will be taught (subject to change):

1) Introduction to a Holistic Yoga Vision of Life – Foundation of Yoga
The first module will focus on the foundations of both practice and theory of yoga
• Your bodies abilities will get screened and personal needs for an optimal practice will be identified
• Practice: asanas, pranayama and meditation; practice with all chakras
• Basic pranayama exercises
• Meditation and its goal and purpose; benefits of meditation
• Theory: introduction to yoga philosophy and karmic philosophy in real life 
• The three yogic paths: Jnana, Bhakti and Karma Yoga
• Goals and benefits of asanas
• 5 layers of consciousness

2) Introduction to a Holistic Yoga Vision of Life - Yoga Philosophy in Everyday Life
This module will give an increased focus on techniques in the postures and interconnectedness of yamas and niyamas in the asana practice
• Practice: asanas, pranayama and meditation
• Psychology of the chakras (energetics) 
• The method of Kriya Yoga
• Yogic guidelines of ethical living with oneself as well as in society (Yamas and Niyamas) 
• Yoga postures (Asanas) and breathing exercises; expansion and/or control of breath (Pranayama)
• Nutrition and its effects on both body and mind

3) Understanding and Applying Practical and Theoretical Material
A shift between consumption and production happens in this phase and you will also be asked to give a presentation to the group
• The creation of a tailor-made practice programme & how it addresses your personal areas of growth; mastering the techniques behind the physical postures
• Practice: asanas, pranayama and meditation; being able to draw the positions; techniques and logic behind the behaviour; preparing a class
• Personal daily practice 
• Theory: understanding yoga therapy knowledge; Prānas (5 winds); Doshas (3 fundamental bio elements); Samskâras (impact of impressions); power dynamics of the 5 instruments of the soul

4) Understanding and Applying Practical and Theoretical Material
This module is about understanding and putting into practice everything you’ve learned so far
• Deciphering your own life puzzle
• The influence of daily life on the yoga mat – how does it all come together within a person; understanding body language
• Practice: asanas, pranayama and meditation including your own personal daily practice
• Deepening meditation practice through one-pointed focus in meditation (Dharana), prolonged focus (Dhyana) and absorption in our true self (Samadhi – goal of meditation);

5) Moving from Consumption to Production (Practical and Philosophical)
The last module is dedicated to the reproduction of the acquired knowledge - teaching
• Practice: asanas, pranayama and meditation including your own personal daily practice
• You will be asked to write and present a thesis and teach a 1 hour asana class with feedback from the group

You will be required to acquire and use the following books:
The Sutras of Patanjali by I.K Taimni and The Bhagavadgita by S. Radhakrishnan 

Personal involvement and homework:
In addition to attending the above-mentioned modules (see dates below), you are also asked to:
Attend weekly asana classes (with Sadhana or another dynamic form of yoga if you live far away);
Attend a monthly philosophy group discussion and write a personal summary
Do your daily personal practice
Write the final thesis and presentation along with an asana class for the exam

Upon successful completion of the programme, you will receive a certificate from the Yoga School Ron van der Post recognised by the Chandigarh International Brahmrishi Mission Yoga Training College.

June: 22-27
August: 27-29 – to be confirmed
November: 7-11

February: 1-3
June: 26-30
August: 26-28
November: 6-10

February: 7-9
June 25-30 or July 1-5 – to be confirmed
August: 21-23
November: 5-8

Early bird (sign up and 500 EUR deposit paid by 20th of March 2018): 2,900 EUR.
Full price (sign up and 500 EUR deposit paid by April 15th 2018): 3,300 EUR

Pricing is for 2.5 years training delivered by Ron van der Post and Irene van der Post-Nutter and is exclusive of books, food and accommodation.
We ask that 1/3 of training price to be paid before the 15th of June 2018.

To register, please email Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. and state Yoga Teacher Training in the title. 
For more information and questions, please contact:

Caroline: + 33 602 71 59 24
Lukas: +33 788 48 82 15


Dynamische Hatha Yoga

Middels het lichaam en de prãna kunnen wij op een subtiele en tegelijk op een dynamische manier onze state of mind beïnvloeden en beheersen. Ons lichaam als innerlijke expressie blootgesteld aan een dagelijkse tsunami van prikkels, proberen wij de balans te vinden tussen de innerlijke rust en de wereld. Deze dynamische Yoga is een instrument welke je dichterbij bij je eigen bron van rust en kracht brengt.
Ron van der Post

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